An Airman's Story: Major Paul Jennings Weaver

Major Paul Jennings Weaver was born in Alamosa, Colorado, on September 2, 1956. He attended Alamosa Colorado High School, participated in the A Club, The International Relations Team, Student Council, and was on the National Honor Society. He graduated in 1975. He entered the US Air Force Academy, majored in organizational behavior, and learned to fly. Major Paul Jennings Weaver graduated in 1979. After additional training, he was assigned to the 16th Special Operations Squadron. Major Paul Jennings Weaver was the commander of the AC 130H Spectre Gunship "Spirit 03" when the plane deployed to Saudi Arabia in September 1990 in response to Desert Storm/Desert Shield and the Gulf War. On January 31, 1991, Major Paul Jennings Weaver died during his service after Spirit 03 was shot down into the Persian Gulf during the Battle of Khafji by a surface-to-air missle. Major Paul Jennings Weaver and his crew were located in March 1991, and appropriated remains were repatriated. Major...