The Purpose Behind the Everyday Patriot Project

The Everyday Patriot project began nearly twelve years ago, during the first deployment of my oldest son. As the daughter of a Vietnam War combat US Army veteran, the wife of a US Navy veteran, and the mother of two US Army infantry veterans, I have always been aware of the human cost of our military.

However, in 2012, during my oldest son's first Afghanistan deployment, that cost hit me even harder when a widely publicized blue-on-green attack occurred at the post to which my son was assigned.  Like every other parent, I waited on pins and needles in the hope that it was not my son. Two days later, I received the call from the battalion.  My son was safe. However, Staff Sergeant Jordan Bear and Specialist Payton Jones were killed in the attack.  The emotional impact was overwhelming, and my heart still hurts for the families of these young men.  The press rarely mentioned their names and always referred to these men as "service members" or "troops." I began to resent the casualness with which the US military is deployed and the casualness of our media in reporting on them.

I began the Everyday Patriot project to document our service members' humanity, tell a little bit about their lives outside of the military, and provide more than a name to their medals and headstones. Many sites describe their medal citations better than I do— and are two of my favorites. The rest of the information I gather is from public records and newspaper articles. 

I tend to gloss over their military careers and write only the roughest sketches of combat deaths because, to be quite frank, as the mother of two infantrymen who have been under fire, reading about the final moments of any service member's life is absolutely devastating. I've cried for every single one who has died during their service, no matter how long ago. I have found it nearly impossible to describe more than just the barest facts surrounding combat deaths.

It's a labor of love that I will never finish, but it is still worth it.

I write these sketches because our troops are also our people; we must never forget that.

Written with love and support of our troops.

a.d. elliott

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a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia. 

In addition to her travel writings at, you can also read her book reviews at and US military biographies at

Her online photography gallery can be found at


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